December 2, 2022
Now that you have your thinking cap on and you’re mapping out the plan for writing and producing your book, it’s important to understand the timeline for publishing. Your editing can take 2-4 months, but this is dependent on how much editing your manuscript will require and how quickly you get your edits back to your editor. So, editing aside, let’s go over the rest. There are some things you can be working on in the background when your manuscript is with your editor. You can create your publishing imprint (your publishing company name) and securing a logo, drafting your copyright page, setting up your publishing accounts (i.e., KDP and Ingram Spark), and purchasing your ISBNs. Once you’re into your final round of editing, this is a good time to define your title and subtitle, and get in touch with your cover designer for some samples. There will be a little bit of back and forth, but once you and your editor have a final title, you’ll have the foundation as to what you’d like the cover to look like. One of the most important reasons for using a professional designer is that they understand the types of covers appropriate for different genres. For example, if you’re writing a memoir, then the book cover shouldn’t look like a sci-fi novel. Just like if you’re writing romance, the cover shouldn’t look like a business book. Your cover designer will give you designs that fit both the message of your book as well as the genre, so that you’ll have better traction in the marketplace. Working on your cover design will usually take about 2-6 weeks. When your book is finished with the developmental edit, then you’ll send the manuscript to a proof editor. Your manuscript should include all of the following elements, which is also covered in great detail in Author Evolution, but for our purposes here, the manuscript that goes to the proof editor should include the copyright page, table of contents, dedication, all the chapters and resources section, your acknowledgments, the “about the author” page and, if appropriate, your business page. You’ll want the proof editor to see the entire book interior to ensure that any mistakes are caught before going to print. Your proof editor will usually need 2-4 weeks to complete the proof edit. Back to design... Now that you have a front cover for your book, you can request samples from your interior layout designer. It’s important to have your front cover done, so that elements from the cover can be used in the interior design, such as font choice. There are a LOT of decisions to be made about your interior layout. In addition to fonts, you’ll have the opportunity to look at the design for your chapter pages, graphics, headers, page numbers, etcetera. Once you’ve determined your choices for the interior, the layout process usually takes about two weeks. When the layout design is finished, you’ll know the page number count. This is important, as the cover designer will need this information to create the correct size for the spine of your book. When you have downtime in the process, be sure to write your back cover content. If your editor is agreeable, I would recommend your editor take a peek at it to make sure it is well-written and in third person (she went to the store, versus I went to the store). Your back cover is a key marketing piece for your book, so it’s critical to have a great description that will have the reader thinking “I’ve gotta read this book!” The back cover should also include a short, two-sentence bio, your head shot, your publishing logo, and a barcode with readable price. I like to have a header or call-out at the top of the back cover, or use a great testimonial from a reader or someone in your industry. When files are finished, you’ll proof the final files. This can take 2-3 weeks, depending on how fast you are. Here’s a tip for you… when proofing your files, read the book out loud (or get a reading buddy), as you’ll catch any mistakes missed previously. You’ll send any errors back to your designer to make those changes and will receive your final files to upload your book and order proof copies. The final proof process takes 3-6 weeks, before approving and going live. Once your books are live, then it’s time to announce your book and plan your launch party. Congratulations! You’re a published author! Want to learn how Finish the Book Publishing can help you through the publishing process? Schedule your free 30 minute consultation HERE